Exam Client Download

USTC Entrance Exam for International Students

DownLoad Center

I.Exam Client Download

提示:客户端将于北京时间2025年2月21日00:00至2025年2月24日23:59 期间开放下载。
Tip: The Examclient will be available for download throughout the day from 21 February 2025 - 24 February 2025.
Note: The previous ExamClient is not available, please download the ExamClient for this exam.2025

输入账号下载(Enter the account number to download)

护照/身份证号(Passport/ID number:)

Steps and issues **Must-read**

1. 下载并解压
下载客户端zip文件【ExamClient.exe】 并解压整个zip文件

1.Download and unzip
Download the ExamClient zip file [ExamClien.zip] and unzip the whole zip file

2. 运行客户端
解压前请关闭杀毒软件、卸载电脑管家及360软件 在解压后的文件夹里右键点击【ksClientWeb.exe】 以管理员身份运行客户端

2.Run the ExamClient
Please close your anti-virus software and uninstall Computer Manager and 360 software before unzipping. Right click on 【ksClientWeb.exe】  in the unzipped file to run the ExamClient as administrator.

3. 关闭其他软件
在考前请关闭杀毒软件、卸载电脑管家及360 等软件

3.Close other software
Please turn off anti-virus software and uninstall Computer Manager and 360before taking the exam.

4. 其他问题
a. 考试客户端可多次下载,如果下载时提示错误,请确认报名时申请编号和密码输入是否正确;
b. 建议安装时将安装地址选为D盘或E盘,否则可能引起安装失败的现象;
c. 客户端解压完成后安装如果弹出错误信息无法安装,需要查看杀毒软件和电脑管家是否关闭(如:360、联想电脑管家),请关闭进程或者卸载后重试;
d. 安装完成后无法打开客户端、或者客户端打开后出现白屏,需要查看杀毒软件和电脑管家是否关闭(如:360、联想电脑管家),请关闭进程或者卸载后重试;
e. 不允许使用多个显示器及远程或虚拟机,仅允许单个显示器,否则考试客户端将无法打开;

4.Other issues
a.The ExamClient can be downloaded multiple times, if you are prompted with an error when downloading, please check that you have entered your passport/ID NO. and password correctly when registering.
b.It is recommended that you select the unzip address as D or E drive when installing, otherwise it may cause the installation to fail.
c.If an error message pops up when the ExamClient is installed after unzipping, please check whether the anti-virus software and computer manager are closed (e.g. 360, Lenovo Computer Manager), please stop the process or uninstall it and try again.
d.If you cannot open the ExamClient after unzipping, or if the ExamClient opens with a white screen, please check whether the anti-virus software and computer manager are closed (e.g. 360, Lenovo Computer Manager), please stop the process or uninstall it and try again.
e.Multiple monitors and remote controls or virtual machines are not allowed, only single monitor is supported, otherwise the ExamClient will be unable to open.

二、监考APP下载(Proctor Assistant Download)

请使用手机扫描二维码下载监考APP“Proctor Assistant”
Please use mobile phone to scan the QR code to download the invigilator APP “Proctor Assistant”

In case of technical problems, you can seek technical assistance through ZOOM meeting.
After entering the ZOOM meeting, please enter the corresponding problem discussion group according to your own problems. Please wait patiently if people are queuing up, replies will be made in order of priority.
ZOOM 会议 ID:849 278 6679
ZOOM ID:849 278 6679

Technical support opening hours: February 21st 10:00-18:00 (Beijing time), February 22nd 10:00-21:00 (Beijing time), February 23rd 10:00-18:00 (Beijing time), February 24th 9:00-18:30 (Beijing time).